- A PFD/UFD is a schematic drawing of a process or utility unit which explains the overall scheme of the process flow for a plant
- Used for HAZID (Hazard identification) study
- PFD’s / UFD’s are prepared under the responsibility of the process or utility engineer
- No modifications to a PFD / UFD shall be made without his authorization

What is included in a PFD/UFD?
- Process/Utility Piping
- Major equipment symbols, names and identification numbers
- Control valves and valves that affect operation of the system
- Interconnection with other systems
- Major bypass and recirculation lines
- System operational values as minimum, normal and maximum flow, temperature and pressure
What is piping and instrumentation diagram?
- Piping and Instrumentation Diagram explains the conceptual requirement of the plant and the facilities to be built.
- Shows the interconnection of process equipment and the instrumentation used to control the process.
- P&IDs are prepared under the responsibility of the process or utility engineer. No modifications to a P&ID shall be made without Process engineer authorization
- Basic process input document for development of plant layout and piping
- Provides the basis for the system control and shutdown schemes, allowing for further safety and operational investigations, such as the hazard and operability study (HAZOP)
- Used to identify systems for hydro test

Types of piping and instrumentation diagrams
- General : Legends and Typical (Symbols, System identifications, Sampling, PSV Manifolds, Pumps drains, etc.)
- Process : Process systems
- Utility : Utility generation systems
- Distribution : Nitrogen, Air, Water, Steam, Condensate, Flare, Sewer, Drain system, etc.
- LOSPE : Fire water, Foam system etc.
What is Legend Piping and instrumentation diagram P&ID?
Legend P&ID used to read and understand the below points,
- Line type and designation
- Valve types
- Insulation types
- Type of flow meters
- Specialty items
- Typical assemblies
Important points to read in Process and utility P&ID
- Read all Notes on PID
- Equipment elevation requirement.
- Min from Grade
- W.r.t to other equipment
- Line requirement
- Slope
- Free drain
- No pockets
- Min or Max requirement
- Scope of supply break
- Piping class break and flange option code.
- Battery limit requirement.
- Design parameters indication
- Thermowell installation on small bore
- Flare line connection to header
- Dyke/Curb wall requirement
- Equipment located inside Pit

What is the difference between P&ID and PFD?
This diagram depicts overall scheme of process flow | This diagram shows the piping and instrumentation details of process. |
This diagram shows the equipment and flow details with process parameters like Flow, temperature, pressure, heat and material balances. | This diagram shows the Piping, instruments, equipment connections with basic process parameter like temperature and pressure. |
Used for HAZID study | Used of HAZOP study |
Single sheet is sufficient to cover a system | More sheets are required to cover one system to provide more details. |
What is Distribution Piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID)?
- Distribution network for utility services like Nitrogen, flare, Air, steam, condensate, water
- Prepared based on the layout arrangement of Utility Piping header and its branch offs from/to Process P&IDs
What is LOSPE piping and instrumentation diagram?
- PID developed by Loss prevention department for Firewater and Foam Services to protect critical equipment’s in a plant
- Firewater Ring Network details
- Deluge Network for Firewater and Foam services of Individual Equipment
What is a line list ?
- List of lines shown on PID filled with characteristics of particular line relevant to Piping and Process
- Design conditions to be obtained from Process department
What is Piping and Instrumentation diagram symbols(P&ID)?
A set of standard symbols which is used by process engineers to draft P&ID.
It is used in P&ID to show the flow of process happening within the plant which involves equipment’s and their interconnection between them.